December 21, 2008
Family and friends,
So this is Christmas, and what have we done?
I can't believe I'm sitting here in Starbucks at the end of the year, just a few days away from Christmas and only a few more days after that, 2009. Next year will be a huge year for us. This year has been all about preparing our lives for the changes to come. There's been a lot of hard work, a lot of patience practiced and a lot of good times. So let's go through the past year, day by day, with a detailed description of what Jen and I did (like the trip reports on my blog). You'd like to read all that, right? No? Okay, well, I'll condense it down a bit so you can read it and then go finish your Christmas shopping (hint: I always like Starbucks gift cards).
The year started off with an addition to the Hunter family. Jolie Rebecca Hunter was born to my brother, Braxton, and his wife Sarah on January 8, 2008. She was the first Hunter grand child, but she won't be the last.
As you likely know, we're starting a family (Jen's in her second trimester now) and the plan was always to get into a 3-bedroom house before that blessed event. So January to March of this year we had to get the old house ready to sell. Replacing carpet, repainting areas, putting things in storage to stage it properly. In this housing market, the details matter. And we were pretty successful, but more about that later.
For Valentine's Day, Jen and I took a trip to Memphis, Tennessee. We had a good time watching the ducks in the fountain at the Peabody Hotel, visiting Graceland, and eating Bar-be-que on Beale Street. I was born in Memphis and given up for adoption. Going back there always stirred up thoughts about that experience. This year, I actually decided to do something about it. More about that later as well.
For those of you who don't know, I'm a graphic designer by trade and I had the opportunity to work on a brochure for Universal Studios new theme park in Dubai this past Spring. That was a lot of fun. I also continue to do work for LifeWay Worship Music and other clients here in Nashville and around the country. I've been blessed to have a steady stream of work and don't take that for granted. Jen is still working for Greenvale homes and has done very well in this poor economy. I'm proud of her for sticking out the tough times.
We've been attending Village Chapel in Nashville for some time. This past February we started going to an class where we had the pleasure of making some new friends. Jeff & Michelle Godby and William & Carla Gladstone. Now all 3 of the women are moms (or mom-to-be's) and it's exciting to be in a community where we can all relate to what each of is going through and we'll be able to support each other as time goes forward.
By the end of March, the house was ready to put on the market. Jen's experience as a real estate agent paid off. She knew just how much to ask for, because we sold the house in one week, and made a profit! Now we needed to move...
We were able to get a 1-bedroom apartment at Brentwood Downs. Both Greta and Michael have apartments there. Tara and Adam live close-by and the new house is one mile away, so it was a great location. We moved in with everyone's help (thanks everyone) and quickly started taking advantage of the swimming pool and the hot tub (I'm going to miss that tub).
We signed papers on the new house, a 3-bedroom townhouse in Oak Hill, and we have been able to watch construction as it moves along. It's been really cool, as this is the first time I've bought new construction and we're both anxious to move in.
In May we decided to take a quick weekend trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee for our second anniversary. If you've never been there, I highly recommend it. Beautiful city parks, great restaurants, museums, aquariums, all within walking distance. You should definitely visit, and feel free to NOT see Rock City if you go. There's more to see there than the tourist traps.
Summer was filled with more swimming in the pool and just being outdoors as much as possible. We would go see as many of Greta, Tara & Adam's softball games as we could, and that was always a great way to spend the evening. We celebrated my 37th birthday by visiting my family in Newburgh, Indiana. We got to spend time with our little niece, Jolie, and the rest of the family. That was a lot of fun.
Jen's parents came to visit and we took a canoe trip down the Harpeth River near Nashville. That was a real adventure, and I can't believe I had never gone canoeing before (I don't consider myself an "outdoors" person by any stretch of the imagination). I definitely want to do it again.
As summer drew to a close, we went on a trip that I've looked forward to for a long time. We went to Cancun, Mexico on a "delayed" anniversary vacation (there's plenty of details here on the blog if you are interested). It was so much fun and I can't wait to go back.
In early fall, I decided to do something I have thought about doing before, but I haven't. I decided to track down my birth mother. The thoughts of wondering who she was when we were in Memphis played a part, and so did trying to track down any medical history before we tried to start a family of our own. After only a few months of effort, the state had tracked down Mary Ann (Geiger) Beery, my birth mother, and her husband Gunner. I've gotten to know them better over the past few months and it has been a pleasure. I can't wait to get to meet them sometime in the near future.
Not long after I discovered more information about my roots, Jen and I discovered that we would be adding a new branch to the family tree. Jen found out she was pregnant and we're now expecting a little one next June. Needless to say, we're excited! I think that little bit of news is still sinking in for both of us.
Knowing that we would start a family VERY soon, Jen and I filled the end of the year with a lot of trips. We knew next year would mostly be a "nesting" year with the baby, so we had one more "grown up" trip to Walt Disney World, my favorite place on earth. For those of you who would wonder why adults would visit there by themselves, there's plenty to do there that doesn't include meeting costumed mice and riding boats past singing dolls (not that there's anything wrong with that). We had a great time visiting old friends, taking in shows, enjoying great dining and wonderful shopping. It was a little bit of a different trip since Jen was pregnant, but it was fun as always.
Only two weeks after our Disney trip, it was Thanksgiving. We were spending it with my family. Dad decided he wanted to spend it in Chicago and we excitedly agreed to go! We had a great time. The weather was actually nice and the shopping on Michigan Avenue on Black Friday was crazy, but fun. It was my first time to Chicago, but I definitely don't want it to be my last. I love that city.
Ever since then, we've been back and been wrapping gifts and starting to get ready to move. We're also flying out tomorrow morning to visit Jen's family for Christmas. It'll be my first "white Christmas" in recent memory and my first time in snow deeper than 4-inches EVER. Having lived in the South, I've been accustomed to (and comfortable with) mild winters, but this should be fun! I'm looking forward to it.
So what's next? We close on our new house in mid-January. As much as we've loved being Greta's neighbor, we're ready for the new house and all the new adventures in the new year. We're very hopeful for what 2009 will bring and we pray that you have many blessings in the new year as well.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Chad, Jen & our little one