Baby Updates from Jen

For more Hunter family blogs, visit Jen's blog at "Our Happy Nest."

January 26, 2009

Your prayers are appreciated!

Thanks for all the prayers for Jen and me over the past week. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things at work after the busyness of last week. So if you want some details and the latest on our pregnancy, take a look at Jen's latest blog entry. She did a great job of telling all about what happened.

Please continue praying for us. Our next ultrasound is Feb. 3rd, and we're hoping for good news!


Jen's Update

January 20, 2009

Please pray for us

Be praying for us. Jen was admitted to the hospital with some complications with the pregnancy that will possibly be minimized by surgery tomorrow (a cerclage procedure I think it's called). I'll keep you informed when we know more.

What are you saying about the President?

I usually don't say much about politics, but I read this article and, sadly I could resonate with what the writer was saying.

For those of you who are Christians, I think you should read this and meditate on what writer Michael Spencer has to say on this historic Inauguration Day.

Christians: What are you saying about the President?


January 16, 2009

January 14, 2009

Would you vote for me?

Someone pointed out a link to, a fun site that can take any photo and convert it into an Obama-campaign poster style image. Regardless of what you though of the election (and I know I have readers who voted both ways, so no catty comments allowed here), Shepard Fairey's posters were well-designed and, well, iconic. So it's fun to see what you can do with this poster site. Have a little fun with it, and see what others have done as well.


January 10, 2009

A Quick Saturday Update

Okay, so this isn't going to be a long update. I'm typing this up at Fido on Saturday morning and it's FREEZING in here. But I wanted to do some kind of update, so you get what you get. Nothing personal.

So we have a lot of stuff coming up in the next week that we're very excited about. First off, we close on the new house this Thursday! Finally! Hooray! I'm ready to start a new chapter in the new house and I'm sure Jen feels the same way. As a side note, our builder Centex made some price cuts on the houses in our neighborhood this past week and made those prices RETROACTIVE as well, so we got a lower price on the house this past week - it cut the price by about $10K. Needless to say we were thrilled, especially when you consider they didn't have to do that at all.

After that is Jen's birthday (hooray!), the celebration of which is surely to be overshadowed by the ultrasound that we have scheduled. This is the one where we should be able to tell if it's a boy or a girl. Keep your fingers crossed that the baby keeps it's legs UNcrossed and we can find out. We're dying to know!

After that, we'll just spend the rest of the month moving into the new place and settling in. It's going to be a busy month, but I'll post where I can with the good news about all of the above. So stay posted to this and to the Twitter updates on the right-hand side of the blog. I'm trying to be better about keeping that up-to-date.

Happy weekend to everyone, and I'll keep you posted.


January 08, 2009

Listen to the baby's heartbeat...

Okay, so I've been very excited to let you listen to the baby's heartbeat. I recorded it today at the midwife's office. However, Blogger doesn't have a way to upload audio, so I had to go about this in a backwards way. I actually posted the audio to my work website on a special page. Here's a link to the page. Listen and enjoy!

Listen to the baby's heartbeat.
