Okay, so I hope you've been checking Jen's blog if you've wanted the latest on what's going on with the pregnancy. 'Cause I haven't been a-blogging lately, in case you haven't noticed.
And, it's very likely you haven't. :)
So what IS going on? Well... once again I'm blogging from the Starbucks near Vanderbilt. This time, for an entirely different reason. Jen's across the road, asleep. She's been on bedrest in the hospital for almost two weeks now. How long will Jen be there? Well, that depends. We're hearing different things from different doctors. But the consensus is that they will re-evaluate around 30-32 weeks. They've been reluctant to do thorough exams on a frequent basis, but presumably they will at that point and make a decision.
I honestly don't know how I feel about that. Although I hate that Jen has to be in that hospital bed 24/7, at least I know she's somewhere safe if she needs immediate attention. If she's at home, help is a little farther away. On the other hand, I know she would be more comfortable at home and after 32 weeks the likelihood of things happening quickly will have eased up a bit. So I guess we'll just see what the doctor's say and go from there. Fortunately, my work load is lightening up at LifeWay and a good portion of the freelance work I will be doing in the next 2 months I can do from home (they've been very understanding and accommodating and I couldn't be more grateful - thanks, y'all!). So if Jen is at home again, hopefully I can be around quite a bit. And if she doesn't go home, we'll just keep doing what we're doing. I guess we'll just see what the doctor orders...
Oh, one bit about the hospital stay - Jen does get a 30-minute break every day where I can take her out in a wheelchair. I think that gives her something to look forward to, which I'm glad to be able to do.
So what else is going on? Answer: not much! Keeping up with work, doing what I can around the house and keeping Jen company as much as possible fills every day. I know Jen and I are already looking forward to getting back into some healthy routines of walking and eating at home. Eating takeout every day takes a toll on the body, especially if you have a self-loathing thyroid gland. Now that warmer weather is here I'm trying to take walks when I can around the Vandy area and just do what I can.
I'm also chipping away at home projects and plan on taking a long weekend for Easter, finishing the nursery, cleaning out the garage and working on the back patio area. Spring has definitely sprung and I want to get the patio area in shape so we can enjoy it when we bring the little one home. I did put together a grill the weekend before Jen's incarceration and we grilled hot dogs once and we can't wait to do it again! I did some artwork for the nursery and I want to finish the last piece that has our little girl's name on it (and, no, I won't tell you what it is. And if you try to guess it around me I will rename you "Black Eye"). There's a few odds-and-ends we need to take care of, so I'm gonna be working on it. Hopefully I can update you on some of those things, but I suspect that Jen will want to have the big "reveal" of the nursery on her site, so keep an eye out for it.
Okay, I'm about blogged out, so that's it for now. I'll try to write sooner next time. Thanks again for all the prayers and support. It means a lot to us!
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5 weeks ago
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