Just a brief update on the search for my birth parents. While we were on vacation to Mexico, a letter came in the mail. It appears the State found my natural mother and made contact with her. Turns out that she's very willing to have contact with me. She included her contact information in the paperwork she submitted to the State and they passed it along. I got it mid-week when we returned and finally told my Mom & Dad (the Hunters, for those of you who could get confused) today when they were passing through town.
At this point, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to move forward. I don't want to leave her waiting too long, so I'll have to decide soon. I'll probably initiate things via e-mail and go from there.
So just say a prayer for me that I say the right thing when I sit down to write the letter. Writing someone who is a relative stranger and yet someone with a very intimate connection is a unique challenge. I'll let you all know how it turns out once I hear from her.
And thanks for the supportive comments and emails I've received about the previous blog. Nice to know that so many friends out there care!
G-G on Facebook - G-G on Twitter
5 weeks ago
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