I've found out some interesting things, not all of which I feel I should make public, but all of which I found very enlightening and occasionally overwhelming enough I'd just have to stop and let things sink in before I could continue. Bearing in mind I don't want to put information online that would be compromising for my "natural mother" (to use the legal term), I did find out some interesting bits of info that I'm willing to share:
• I was born with the name John G. (last name withheld).
• My natural mother was young and not prepared to BE a mother, so she gave me up for adoption (and I am grateful for the hard decision she had to make).
• My natural father likely doesn't even know I exist.
• I was called "Carter" in the brief stint I had in foster care.
Let me tell you, nothing is trippier than finding out you had another name when you were born. It's kind of cool though. The friends that I have told say it sounds like an awesome ailas to have if I choose to become a secret agent or an actor. Or both (I'm keeping my options open).
As far as my natural parents go, even if I could find these people through various searches on the internet, I legally cannot contact them myself. I have started proceedings to attempt to make contact through the state. They may want to reciprocate, they may not. We'll see...
Please be praying for my family (both the Hunters and my natural mother's) as it's a very sensitive situation. Mom & Dad have been super-supportive, as has Braxton and of course Jen. I don't know what to expect from my natural parents, but I respect any decision they make.
I'll fill you in on more info as this continues.

wow, what a huge amount of courage that takes to dig up your adoption info. Coming from a fellow adoptee, the idea sort of makes me a little sick. Good look on your search!
Very cool that you're finding out your earliest roots...hope that process goes well.
My hairdresser's name is John G...so you're in good company..:-)
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